Solar street lamp with its energy saving, environmental protection, convenient installation and other advantages, quietly flew into the streets of the city...... As a new measure of energy saving, solar street lighting can save energy in the end how much? 

1. Energy saving 

First of all, each solar street lamp is a relatively independent system, in the installation and construction without embedded cables, also do not need to dig the road surface, saving a considerable amount of manpower and material resources and installation costs; Then the power consumption, an ordinary street light a day light time for 6 hours or so, power consumption is about 2 degrees, a year need more than 300 electricity costs, an urban area according to 300 street lights, a year cost nearly 100,000 yuan, the use of solar street lights on the whole province. 

It is reported that there are 50 million new outdoor lighting lights in China every year. If solar lights can account for one thousandth of them, it will save the country hundreds of millions of kilowatts of electricity a year, which is equivalent to sending a power station of 100 thousand kilowatts to the country. 

2 Principle of energy saving 

2.1 How do solar panels store energy? 

The main material for solar panels is silicon, but there are also some other alloys. When a solar panel is hit by light, it converts that energy into electricity, allowing an electric current to flow from one side to the other. Solar panels are designed on this principle. 